Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rebuild the Party, Transparency & Democracy

Promoting Transparency and Democracy
I believe that democracy thrives when we have a Party leadership that is accountable to the Party, however accountability can only be enforced through transparency.

Huaren Holdings
We need to INTRODUCE RULES THAT WILL ENFORCE TRANSPARENCY, for example that it should be mandatory for the Huaren accounts to be published during the Party’s AGM.

Currently Huaren Holding’s accounts are not transparent; members, leaders and Central Delegates do not know how much profit we make a year, how much expenditures are incurred and how the money has been spent. We need to ensure that the Party’s finances are being ably and fairly administered and distributed.

Furthermore now we need to provide financial assistance to our MCA comrades in Penang, Selangor, Perak, and Kedah, who having lost their state and parliamentary seats are no longer entitled to MP or ADUN allocations for their constituencies.

We need to also help to our party members in Sabah, who until today still do not have their own MCA state building.

Huaren Holdings belongs to MCA, and therefore to all MCA members. Therefore we should ensure that A SIGNIFICANT PART OF ITS PROFITS IS DISTRIBUTED TO ALL THE DIVISIONS to fund our activities as we seek to reconnect with the people.

Disciplinary Committee
We will also need to LIMIT THE POWERS OF THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE so that its powers can never be abused to silence legitimate dissent within the Party. Our Party can no longer afford to ignore criticisms but must be brave enough to hear all views.








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